Introduction to Strategic Communication

In this interactive workshop, COMPASS trainers guide you through tools and techniques that help you prepare for strategic communication, then support you as you put what you’ve learned into practice through facilitated group discussions and activities.

Building Better Virtual Events

In this 3-hour, interactive virtual workshop, we’ll explore how to use strategic agenda design, meeting management techniques, and technological tools to help you create memorable, engaging virtual events.

Strategic Communication for Social Scientists

Grounded in science communication research and practice, this interactive virtual workshop will help you gain tools and skills to help you translate social science findings into clear, concise, and compelling messages without losing the depth of their explanatory power.

Introduction to Strategic Communication

In this interactive workshop, COMPASS trainers guide you through tools and techniques that help you prepare for strategic communication, then support you as you put what you’ve learned into practice through facilitated group discussions and activities.

Introduction to Risk Communication

In this 3-hour workshop, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the science behind risk communication and learn how to apply those insights to help your audiences make more informed decisions about their health, safety, and the environment.