Tools & Resources
Tools & Resources
The Message Box

How do you distill down all the information about your research into just a few key ideas? We know it can be daunting, but it’s also worth it, and we’re here to help. Our signature tool, the Message Box, was developed for scientists, and has helped thousands of researchers to share their work clearly and compellingly.

Resources for Effective Engagement
Communicating with Policymakers
Bridging Science & Policy with Emily Patrolia In this insightful interview, COMPASS's Heather Mannix speaks with Emily Patrolia, founder and CEO of ESP Advisors and a COMPASS board member, about the crucial role of science and scientists in informing policy decisions....
Cultural Burning and Wildfire Policy with Dr Nina Fontana
In this video, Dr. Nina Fontana joins COMPASS’s Bob Crimian to reflect on her experience in the workshop, how she’s building on the skills she learned, and why it’s important to her to bring research back to communities and policy.
Capitol Hill 101: What to know and where to go (and how to dress!)
Washington, DC has many norms and customs that can (for better or worse) shape how you are perceived by your target audience, be it an agency expert, a congressional staffer, or even a congressperson themself. Here is a list of tips and tricks to help you navigate your interactions with federal lawmakers and officials!
Engaging with Journalists
How to Make a Personal Media Kit for Your Scientific Work — and Why You Need One
When it comes to science communication, don’t underestimate the power of capturing photos, video and audio of yourself and your research in action. Even short clips — high-quality and planned in advance — can have a big impact down the road. The uses are numerous:...
Getting Out There: Connecting with Journalists at Scientific Conferences
Have you ever found yourself at a conference, and noticed that the person sitting next to you in a session or waiting in line behind you at the coffee station had “PRESS” on their name tag? Next time you do, introduce yourself! It’s a pleasant change for journalists...
Op-Ed Writing: It’s OK to Argue for something
Expressing perspectives, opinions or even recommendations about the implications of your science can be a bit uncomfortable, even scary. But if you want your science to be relevant and useful, you need to make sure it gets out of pages of peer-reviewed journals and...
Our Publications
Want to learn more about science communication? We wrote the book on it!

Escape from the Ivory Tower
Full of tried-and-true methods from Nancy Baron and the COMPASS team, as well as insight from real-life scientists, policymakers, and journalists, this frank, practical, and entertaining guide will help you to strategically communicate your science in ways that stick.
The GradSciComm Report
This project included assessing the landscape of science communication workshops, courses, and trainings for graduate students in the STEM disciplines; convening a workshop of science communication trainers, scholars, science society leaders, funders, administrators, and graduate students; and providing concrete recommendations for integrating science communication skills into STEM graduate education.
Uniting Science and Stories
Since 2014, COMPASS has partnered with Stephanie Green and Kirsten Grorud-Colvert to provide storytelling workshops for scientists at the biennial International Marine Conservation Congress. That ongoing collaboration led to “Uniting science and stories: Perspectives on the value of storytelling for communicating science.” The article shares information, ideas, and insights for adding storytelling to your science communication tool box.