Learning Journeys

Choose Your Journey

Tough Topics Learning Journey

Communicating about science can be technically challenging, but in many situations, it can be emotionally challenging as well. The Tough Topics Learning Journey provides a supportive space for learning more about specific challenges and practicing compassionate communication skills. This Learning Journey is ideal for people who are preparing to communicate around emotionally charged topics and situations and want to be strategic and compassionate in their approach.

Engaging Experiences Learning Journey

We’ve all been to online events and presentations that failed to hold our attention and ultimately, wasted our time. But that doesn’t have to happen to you or the people at your events. The Engaging Experiences Learning Journey focuses on our tried-and-true preparation techniques to ensure that you are delivering the best presentations and online events that you can. This Learning Journey is great for those who are designing and delivering events and presentations for groups and want to be more intentional and inclusive in their approach.

Sharper Skills Learning Journey

Jumpstart your science communication skills in a hands-on setting by exploring two key tactics for effective communication—stories and writing. The Sharper Skills Learning Journey digs deeper into the art of finding and developing strategic stories that illustrate your key points, and in capturing your ideas and building shared understanding through the written word. This Learning Journey is designed for those who want to jump into science communication strategically—and quickly!

Learn More For Less

Want to sign up for more than one COMPASS workshop? With a class pass, you can purchase multiple workshops at a reduced price so that diving deeper into a specific skill set or exploring different interests is more accessible than ever.